Here are some pictures of our growing shop.  Check back as we add more tools 


Irontree Power Hammer
I built the the power hammer to the right, based on the designs of the NC-JYH built by Steve Barringer of B2 Design, Ltd. and the Midwest-JYH built by Brian Rognholt.  Both hammers are featured on the Anvilfire website maintained by Jock Dempsey.  I am indebted to Jock, Steve and Brian for their generosity in posting these pictures and to Jock for all his advice.  I also need to thank John who assisted in  the construction.


Little Giant
I purchased this 50 lb Little Giant from Ambles in Minneapolis. Ambles is a combination junk yard, machine shop, and tool bone yard. You never know what they will have and they sometimes don't know themselves. In this case, when I told them that it was worth more, they said that they wanted it gone and $500 is what they wanted.


Shop Rules


1. Don’t just show up, call first!

2. Safety: If you aren’t sure how to use a tool, ASK! If  you still aren’t sure, ASK AGAIN, and AGAIN and AGAIN, until you are sure. Don’t guess!! Be sure!! ASK!!!!! I will not think you are stupid if you ask. I will think you are stupid if you don’t!

3. I understand there is a learning curve, but people who use a tool unsafely, without asking how first, will not be allowed to use that tool again in this life time. Be willing to admit that you don’t know how to use a tool

4. Bring and wear eye and ear protection when appropriate!

5. Warn people when you are about to use a particularly dangerous tool

6. When pulling metal out of the fire, say "HOT METAL"

7. When arc welding, say "ARCING" before welding

8. When using the cut-off saw, say "CUTTING" before spraying sparks all over everyone.

9. Always remember to turn off the gas, vent the lines and bank any fires before leaving. (forges, welders, wood stove, etc.)

10. Put tools away when you are done using them.

11. No alcohol in the shop and no alcohol in you, while you are in the shop!! (drugs either!)

12. If you feel dizzy or need a rest/food break, TELL ME AND TAKE A BREAK. I won’t notice unless you tell me. Accidents happen when you are tired. I know this!! I almost lost a finger, because I was too tired to work but did anyway!

13. I don’t want to know the intimate details of your personal life. REALLY!

14. Profanities/obscenities are only to be used during injuries or when you accidentally destroy something you have been working on, not to add color to your vocabulary.

15. Clean up after your self. I can make my own messes!

16. Don’t hit cold steel with my Sweet Hammers!


Shop Etiquette

If the weather is cold, stop at the wood pile on your way in the door, and bring in some firewood

If you drink my coke or eat my candy, please bring more next time (chocolate is always appreciated :)

We break lots of bits/tools. If you break a bit/tool, please replace it.

Supplies we always need: 1/8 inch drill bits, 4 ½ inch grinder disks, 4 ½ inch cutting disks, 4 ½ inch sander disks, propane, any wax (old candles, crayons, anything!), motor oil, rivets, work gloves, old files, old air tanks, 36" sanding belts, bits of tool steel for punches, sharpie markers, and soap stone.